Worker Node - Detailed description
Worker Node is an offchain runner that allows you to execute custom logic in a form of a NodeRed Flows that details and lifecycle parameters are specified within EnergyWebX worker node pallet solution and solution groups definitions.
Worker Node have EWX account called Worker Account assigned to be able to perform work. Later, worker account can be assigned to EWX Operator Account. Worker Node via this Operator<>Worker account link is monitoring on-chain actions and therefore responds to Operator Account on-chain actions related to subscribing/unsubscribing from solution groups. Solutions that Worker Nodes are running can be created and have their lifecycle controlled by Launchpad SmartFlow offering - together they provide a once-stop-shop toolkit that:
Vastly reduces operational overhead
Allows for blockchain-integrated creation of distributed networks & applications
Provides enterprise-level support, reliability and user experience
Worker Node Launchpad Offering vs Marketplace Desktop App based Worker Node
Worker Node offering provides a full SaaS experience and should be considered as an alternative to Marketplace Desktop App based Worker node.
You should go for Worker Node Launchpad Offering if:
You dont want to keep your laptop running 24/7
You dont have possibility to use your hardware for reliably running desktop app
You want reliable server version that comes with supporting team that will cover any Worker issues should they occure.
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