Switchboard Transaction Cost Estimates
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When using Switchboard, users can create and update data that is stored in smart contracts on the Energy Web Chain. These actions require users to pay a small transaction cost. Users pay transaction costs using their cryptocurrency wallet such as MetaMask. Transaction costs on the Energy Web Chain are in Energy Web Token. Transaction costs on the Volta Test Network on are in Volta Tokens.
Read more about transactions and transaction costs in the Energy Web Tech Stack here.
The transaction cost amount depends on what action the user is performing, and the current gas cost. Actions and their estimated associated total transaction cost are listed below. They are organized according to the three main domains of Switchboard: Enrolments, Governance and Assets.
The total costs calculated below is the sum of the cost to process the metadata and the current gas cost. The costs below are approximate values per operation. The total cost can change:
Based on the user input data (e.g. number of input fields)
Based on congestion (i.e. how many transaction requests are currently in the pool to be processed), which affects gas price
Switchboard is used to request, issue, publish and revoke role-based credentials. These credentials are persisted on the Energy Web Chain (read more about on-chain credentials here). As such, they require transaction costs to cover their on-chain lifecycle events.
Revoke on-chain role
Switchboard is used to create and manage organizations, applications, and roles associated with them. These elements are persisted in Energy Web's Ethereum Name Service smart contract. ٍ Each time a user creates or updates one of these entities, they must pay a small transaction cost
Read our documentation on SSI Credential Governance using ENS Domains here.
Create Organization
Create Sub-Organization
Create an organization-level role
Transfer organization ownership
Edit organization details
Delete organization
Not Available
Create application
Create an application-level role
Edit application-level role details
Edit application details
Delete application
Edit application role details
Switchboard is used to create (register), manage and transfer Assets. Each Asset is registered in a smart contract on the Energy Web Chain (read more about Assets as ownable smart contracts here.) Each time a user interacts with these contracts for Asset management, they must pay a small transaction cost:
Accept/decline Asset offering
Publish role to
(offer) of Asset
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