Validator Node Service Commands

The following commands can be run on a node to aid in daily operation.

Always make sure that you have admin rights before running any command with sudo -s

Check if the stack is running

Run this command to see the status of all containers:

docker ps -a

Restart the whole stack

cd docker-stack
docker-compose restart

Restarting after encountering problems

After encountering problems e.g. with the parity client, it is better to run

cd docker-stack
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

If after restarting the client you are still encountering problems, you can try to delete the database and re-sync the node (please only do this after trying to restart without deleting the database first; if you have any questions or need assistance please post in the Validator Knowledge Base):

cd docker-stack
docker-compose down
rm -r chain-data/chains/Volta/db
docker-compose up -d

Update a component

Set the desired version in

vi docker-stack/.env

save it and run

docker-compose up -d

Update configurations

Make the configuration change in either .env or docker-compose.yml

and run

docker-compose up -d

Show logfiles

In docker-stack run

docker-compose logs

to e.g. show the last 100 lines of the parity client logs run

docker-compose logs -f --tail 100 parity

Last updated