Note: As of October 27, 2021, all EWC nodes should run a London-compatible client: OpenEthereum (v3.3.0-rc.11 or later) or Nethermind (v1.11.3 or later)
Documentation to update Validator Node client in preparation for London Upgrade:
OpenEthereum and Nethermind clients compatible with AuRa are released in a regular rhythm. The process for implementing regular updates is described below. Emergency updates (i.e. in the event of a known security vulnerability with a specific client version) will be accelerated.
All EWC client updates are tested by the Energy Web Chain Technical Committee to ensure compatibility with the EW Chain AuRa consensus mechanism. The Technical Committee strongly recommends validators and other node (e.g. RPC) operators refrain from updating their clients until compatibility with the current version is confirmed on this page. Once an update is tested, the Technical Committee will communicate to validators and the broader community via Slack and Telegram that it is safe to install the new version; this page will also be updated regularly. For security/stability reasons, we recommend rolling out the update in waves, first on Volta and then the production EW Chain.
Good to know! Client updates don’t change any of the following:
Node Address
Node key
Private key
Before applying the upgrade, ensure the validator node instance has the following requirements:
Network Capacity(GiB)
Storage(GB) and Type
4 (Minimum)
8 (Recommended)
8 (Minimum)
16 (Recommended)
Up to 5 (Minimum)
Up to 10 (Recommended)
Minimum 300, SSD
As the upgrade to OpenEthereum v3.3.0-rc.11 does not involve any config changes or require db resync, it should be relatively simple.
Download the node software (Openethereum v3.3.0-rc.11 or later)
docker pull openethereum/openethereum:v3.3.0-rc.11
Verify the downloaded software to make sure no one has changed something during data transfer
docker image inspect openethereum/openethereum:v3.3.0-rc.11 | jq -r '.[0].Id'
The result should be:
If that's the case, proceed to the next step. If not, repeat the process above to download and verify the new image.
Stop the containers:
Make a backup of docker-compose.yml:
cp $HOME/docker-stack/docker-compose.yml $HOME/docker-stack/docker-compose.yml_backup
Make a backup of .env file:
cp $HOME/docker-stack/.env $HOME/docker-stack/.env_backup
Make a backup of DB [Optional]:
change the text $CHAIN_NAME toVolta
or EnergyWebChain
cp -r chain-data/chains/$CHAIN_NAME/ ./$CHAIN_NAME_backup
Modify and save .env file (lines 3 & 9):
DO NOT override other existing variables!
vim $HOME/docker-stack/.env
new .env
Modify and save docker-compose.yml file (line no.4):
vi $HOME/docker-stack/docker-compose.yml
For nodes running OpenEthereum client(v3.2.5) or earlier, the update is to OpenEthereum () or later version
For nodes running Nethermind client (v1.10.72) or earlier, the update is to Nethermind ()
The following commands can be run on a node to aid in daily operation.
Always make sure that you have admin rights before running any command with sudo -s
Run this command to see the status of all containers:
After encountering problems e.g. with the parity client, it is better to run
If after restarting the client you are still encountering problems, you can try to delete the database and re-sync the node (please only do this after trying to restart without deleting the database first; if you have any questions or need assistance please post in the Validator Knowledge Base):
Set the desired version in
vi docker-stack/.env
save it and run
docker-compose up -d
Make the configuration change in either .env
or docker-compose.yml
and run
docker-compose up -d
In docker-stack
docker-compose logs
to e.g. show the last 100 lines of the parity client logs run
Validator maintenance documentation is organized as follows:
The System architecture of a validator node on the Energy Web Chain is made up of two main components. (Note: the original node architecture featured a node control component, but it was never used and formally deprecated in 2020).
Telemetry data includes:
CPU usage of the host machine
Memory usage of the host machine
Disk usage of the host machine
Number of connected peers
List of visible P2P peers
Current block (latest block synced by the node)
Network latency to 3 different and major locations (e.g. cloudflare, google, amazon)
Network throughput
Network error rate
Number of SSH keys for the host machine
Service status for SSH, docker and the parity container
SHA256 hashes of key system components/binaries
Current chain specification file (or hash)
The use of telemetry is opt-in. Validators can disable it if they have their own monitoring system in place that allows for real time tracking of all relevant metrics.
To change parameters of the validator client you have to change the config file of your validator node.
In the host, make sure you have root access and go into the config folder
Now you can edit the parity-signing.toml file that should look similar to this:
Most parameters should not be changed. But there are several parameters that can be adapted.
If your node is having trouble syncing after a client update, restarting the node, or an unplanned outage, you can speed up the syncing process by enabling warp sync:
Under [network] change: warp = true
Restart docker container: docker-compose up -d
The minimum gas price defines the lowest price that you allow to be paid for a transaction in Wei/Gas to still be included into a block by your validator node. Every transaction that has a gas price below that will be ignored. What price to set should depend largely on the transaction volume at the current moment. Every validator can choose this parameter individually. If it is too low, there is little spam protection and spammers can just fill up the blocks for little cost. If it is too high, it unjustifiably increases the price per transaction and might deter usage.
usd_per_tx defines the amount of USD to be paid for a basic transaction of sending tokens. The minimum gas price is set accordingly.
usd_per_eth defines the USD value of one token.
price_update_period defines the time that is allowed to pass between each gas price update. T may be daily, hourly, a number of seconds, or a time string of the form "2 days", "30 minutes" etc.
min_gas_price defines the minimum gas price in Wei/Gas and overrides usd_per_tx.
Validators can choose the size of the blocks and thereby the number of transactions to include in a block. The bigger the blocks, the higher the transaction throughput. But if the block is too big, executing all transactions in that block might create problems with latency. Therefore the EWF will advise on a target blockgas limit. Once the limit is changed in the config file it will slowly increase until it has reached the defined limit. If validators do not agree on a limit, it will increase and decrease depending on who proposed the block.
gas_cap defines the absolute maximum amount of gas that will be allowed in a block depending on the transaction volume.
gas_floor_target defines the block size that the validator node targets when creating a new block.
tx_gas_limit defines the maximum gas amount that is allowed for a single transaction.
To restart the validator node, run
The parity client should now be running with the new configurations.
Good to know: to report an issue with your validator node, get troubleshooting support, or review recent discussions, please visit the .
Client: The OpenEthereum or Nethermind client that connects the validator to the Energy Web Chain, collects transactions and proposes blocks according to the . Read the documentation of the OpenEthereum client , and the Nethermind client .
Telemetry: There is a monitoring system on the validator node that uses Telegraf to securely send telemetry to an that is connected to and the EWC Validator Data Warehouse & Dashboard. The use of telemetry is opt-in. Validators can disable it if they have their own monitoring system in place that allows for real time tracking of all relevant metrics.
As this is sensitive data, we rely on well established industry solutions to transfer these metrics off the validator node. Telegraf is a server agent that plugs into many different services to collect data. Telegraf collects relevant metrics from the host machine and the custom-built parity metrics collector which allows Telegraf to receive the metrics from the parity client. For more information on Telegraf visit:
The collected metrics are then stored in an InfluxDB database and can be visualized using the monitoring tool Grafana. For more information on influxDB visit:
For more information on Grafana visit:
All components are run in separate docker containers managed by docker compose. For additional information on docker visit: and
For more information, see
You can read about all possible configurations here:
The block explorers allow you to search the specific addresses of your Volta and EWC nodes to see how recently they validated a block.
Once you’ve searched for your address in the block explorers (make sure to search for your EWC address in the EWC explorer and vice versa), navigate to the “Blocks Validated” page to see how recently it validated a block (ex: https://volta-explorer.energyweb.org/address/0xaa31f1988d6049f3e4b54136a261ed22a7e4cf27/validations). With ~30 validators and a 5 second block time, a functioning node validates a block once every ~2:30 minutes. Bookmark the “Block Validated” pages for both your Volta and EWC nodes to easily check if they’re validating.
Using the steps listed below, you can also view your validator node’s “Company Name” in each block it has sealed. The “Company Name” shows up in the extraData field of a block, but it's not shown directly in the explorer.
Determine the block number or block hash you want to check from the explorer
You can use the following commands to fetch block data:
curl --data '{"method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["0x_blocknumber_in_hex_here",true],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
curl --data '{"method":"eth_getBlockByHash","params":["0x_blockhash_here",true],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
Find the extraData
field and copy the value,
e.g: "extraData":"0x76616c696461746f722d35342e3135342e3130312e353454454f". [This is the company name (or whatever info) you set during the installation encoded as hex]
Paste the value here to convert to text: https://onlineutf8tools.com/convert-hexadecimal-to-utf8
Once you SSH into your node, you can use the following commands to check the status of your server and docker containers running validator services.
Use the following command to make sure you have admin rights before running other commands
sudo -s
Run this command to list all running docker containers:
docker ps -a
You should see these three containers with STATUS “Up X hours”
If your node is hosted by a cloud provider, you will likely have access to a dashboard from that provider with information on the amount of disk space your node has available and other relevant info.
If you are SSH’d into your server, you can also run this command to check if your disk is nearing capacity:
df -h --total
And to see how much disk space your docker containers are using, run:
docker system df -v
Logs can give you a view into
To save your logs and transfer them to your local machine use the following commands
docker-compose logs > ~/YOURCOMPANY_logs.txt
You will likely need to stop (ctrl + c) this after a little while as it doesn’t seem to auto-complete.
Make sure the logs contain whatever timeframe you’re interested in (e.g., when your node stopped syncing).
Now transfer them to the Downloads folder on your personal computer using this command in a fresh terminal:
scp -P 2222 -i YOURKEYS.pem ubuntu@YOUR_INSTANCE:/home/ubuntu/YOURCOMPANY_logs.txt ~/Downloads/
If you were successful, you should see a download bar complete and have the file in your Downloads folder.
[Coming Soon]
Public-facing dash that only links node attributes to a public address
Address, # of peers, latest block, list of unsynced nodes
Sometimes an organization needs to migrate their validator node into a new environment. Common reasons for this include:
Changing infrastructure providers (e.g. switching cloud or on-premise vendors)
Wanting to upgrade host environment configuration
Rotating access due to security procedures or policies.
If you are currently operating a validator node on Volta of the EW Chain and need to migrate it from its existing host environment to a new one, there are two options:
This option requires provisioning a new host environment and following the installation procedures to establish an entirely new node (note: this will result in a new address, private key, EWT balance, etc.). Once your new node is installed, the current one will be removed from the network and you will be able to retire / deprecate the legacy node and host environment.
The benefits of this approach are:
It is easy to replicate the node installation process, so the overall migration is simpler;
You don't have to worry about independently modifying the installation script;
You can maintain continuity by simultaneously retiring the original node and adding the new one to the network;
The drawbacks of this approach are:
You must determine a secure way to maintain access to the legacy block rewards held on the original node address;
Depending on your organization's IT policies and procedures, it may be more complex and costly to procure multiple host environments during the migration.
You may need to replicate or modify access management policies and procedures for the new environment.
If you elect to install new node, make sure you transfer any EWT held in the original node address to a separate wallet that you can continue to access going forward, and/or maintain the private key to the original node to access old block reward balances.
This option involves migrating the existing node (i.e. maintaining the same address and private key) to a new host environment. To do this, you must extract the private key from the existing environment and then re-run a modified installation script in the new environment, using the private key of the validator node.
The benefits of this approach are:
You maintain continuity by keeping the same address and private key;
You don't need to operate two validator nodes (and thus host environments) simultaneously.
The drawbacks of this approach are:
Depending on the parameters of the existing vs. new environment, you may need to modify configurations and access management.
You must securely extract the private key from the existing node, temporarily store it, and import it into the new environment.
You will experience a period of "downtime" throughout the migration, during which your organization's validator node will not be operational.
As of 2023, if you select this option and you used the OpenEthereum client for your original node please note that your node will be migrated to the Nethermind client during this process due to the deprecation of the OpenEthereum client for EWC in 2022.
Follow the steps to migrate existing nodes to new node:
Migrate existing nodes: Follow the steps to migrate existing nodes to new node:
Collect and store the following necessary info from Old Instance -
You can stop containers in old instance. docker-compose down
Value of Validator Address
, InfluxDB Username
, InfluxDB Password
. You’ll find this info in install-summary.txt
Value of docker-stack/keystore/.secret
To copy the .secret key to your local instance:
scp -P 2222 -i YOURKEYS.pem user@YOUR_INSTANCE:/home/user/docker-stack/keystore/.secret ~/Downloads/
[optional] keep a backup of docker-stack/
Commented out the following lines from script
[line from 180-213
] -
from echo "Creating Account..."
[line 180] till docker rm -f nethermind
[line 213] .
Then run the script in the new instance.
The End Result would be the the following . Validator Address
, Enode
, InfluxDB Username
and InfluxDB Password
field would be empty
==== EWF Affiliate Node Install Summary ==== Company: Company_Name Validator Address: Enode: null IP Address: New_IP_ADDESSS InfluxDB Username: InfluxDB Password:
In the new Instance, There is the docker-stack/
dir. Enter to the directory and run docker-compose ps
and run docker-compose down
to kill node and telemetry containers.
The .secret
file in docker-stack/keystore
dir needs to be updated with the older one. [ .secret
file is in only readonly
mode. Change mode before updating with old value. chmod 644 .secret
The .env
file in docker-stack/
dir needs to be updated.
field with old value.
Update the NETHERMIND_KEY_FILE=./keystore/UTC--*
with correct name.
In the docker-stack/configs/volta.cfg
or docker-stack/configs/energyweb.cfg
, the following 2 value needs to be updated. In the new instance, this value would be empty. Update the value with old Validator Address
"KeyStore": { "PasswordFiles": ["keystore/.secret"], "UnlockAccounts": ["Old Validator Address goes here..."], "BlockAuthorAccount": "Old Validator Address goes here..." },
Copy the Validator’s mining private key to your new instance
Copy the UTC--*
file from old instance to docker-stack/keystore
dir or create that file in docker-stack/keystore/
dir with exact same name and same value.
To copy the file to your local instance:
scp -P 2222 -i YOURKEYS.pem user@YOUR_INSTANCE:/home/user/docker-stack/keystore/UTC_PART ~/Downloads/
[Optional] If you want a exact sync of database, you can copy db files from the old instance to the new instance -
DB Path - docker-stack/database/volta
or docker-stack/database/energyweb
Run docker-compose up -d
Check logs of parity container -
docker-compose logs -f nethermind
docker-compose logs -f nethermind_telemetry
The Validator’s IP address and enode will change. Once you have completed the migration, fill out the installation summary form (for Volta here, and for Energy Web Chain here) to provide the new IP and enode information. You can also contact netops@energyweb.org to provide notification of the migration.
This page provides troubleshooting tips if your validator node is not connecting to peers.
If you are not connected to any peers right away, often it can help to just wait a little longer and give the node a little time to connect to other peers. If the node is still not connected after a couple of minutes, there is probably a problem.
More detailed instructions for different operating systems can be found here:
If your node cannot connect to other peers, it might help to remove your nodes.json file to reestablish a connection. You can find the nodes.js file at the same directory where you store your keys under chain/Volta/network. If you don't know where that is, you can look at the path specified at "Keys Path" when you start the client in the terminal.
Usually it sits at:
$HOME/Library/Application\ Support/io.parity.ethereum/chains/ewc/network/nodes.json
Make sure the client is not running. Delete the file and than restart the client. A new nodes.js file will be created and you will hopefully connect to peers again.
Or follow the below steps (recommended)
Edit the parity-signing.toml & parity-non-signing.toml
Add the following line in [network]
reserved_peers = "/parity/config/bootnodes"
Recreate the containers. docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
If you are not able to find any peers or you want to connect to a specific peer you can add peers manually.
Make sure that the parity API's are enabled by starting the client with the flag
The Peer ID that you need for this function are called enodes and have this format (this is one of our bootnodes, it should already be on your nodes list by default): enode://59c9250cb805409e84c9cd0038e97d8e5e4605b928663675869ebdfd4c251d80ccad76267a5eb2f4362ddceb5ec671f7595463adfc0a12e9f68dbf233072db41@
At the very top it will give you the number oft active, connected and max peers. Active means, they are actively synchronizing the chain, a 0
basically means you are already fully synchronized or have no peers at all. Connected are all peers, which you are listening to for new blocks and transactions, ideally this should not be 0
. Max is just the maximum number of peers you can connect to.
Below that you will see a list of peers your node is trying to connect to. Peers with non-empty protocols have completed handshake and are currently connected to you. You can find them quickly by searching for "difficulty" or "head".
If all this still does not resolve the problem, you should check if there is some firewall in place that causes the problem and make sure your network does not block UDP traffic.
Check Docker Image, NPM Package
Docker Image:
In the Validator Node - get the path of the following two files -
keyfile - UTC--*
In Parity/OpenEthereum Validator Node, the path of keyfile is -
[CHAINNAME can be Volta
or EnergyWeb
secret file - .secret
In Parity/OpenEthereum Validator Node, the path of secret file is -
Using DockerPut the the value before execution:
KEYFILE_PATH : path of keyfile in old validator node
SECRETFILE_PATH : path of secret file in old validator node
NEW_ADDRESS : Address of wallet or new node address
TOKEN_AMOUNT: Amount of token to be taken out
Volta HTTPS_RPC_URL: https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
EnergyWeb HTTPS_RPC_URL: https://rpc.energyweb.org
Command to transfer token
Before execute take superuser
privilege - sudo -s
or run docker with sudo
docker run -it -v "$KEYFILE_PATH":/keyfile -v $SECRETFILE_PATH:/keypass aznagy/ewf-validator-tool:latest transferto $NEW_ADDRESS $TOKEN_AMOUNT -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL
Here is an example
(It is Nethermind validator node, that’s why the path of keyfile and secret file are different than Parity validator node)
Transfer token from Volta Validator Node to Hardware Wallet -
KEYFILE_PATH : keyfile path of my Validator Node
SECRETFILE_PATH : secret file path of my Validator Node
NEW_ADDRESS : Address of my wallet 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35
HTTPS_RPC_URL : Volta HTTPS_RPC_URL: https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
Transfer Token
payout check
and payout changeto
payout check
2. payout changeto
If you want to execute validator tool on host machine or local machine without using docker, follow the following process.
Install node and npm
npm comes with nodejs installation.
check nodejs and npm version
node -v
npm -v
npm install -g ewf-validator-tool
Check validator-tool is installed
validatortool --version 21.0.3
From the old (original) Validator Node - get the path or grab the value of the following two files - [If you want to run it on your local machine, just to collect the value of keyfile
and .secret
keyfile - UTC--*
In Parity/OpenEthereum Validator Node, the path of keyfile is -
[CHAINNAME can be Volta
or EnergyWeb
secret file - .secret
In Parity/OpenEthereum Validator Node, the path of secret file is -
HTTPS_RPC_URL : Volta HTTPS_RPC_URL: https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
Transfer Token
You can directly give the path of the keyfile
and .secret
file Or
the keyfile value is stored in UTC-keyfile
and value of .secret
is stored in Secretfile
validatortool transferto $NEW_ADDRESS -k "$PATH_OF_KEY_FILE" 0.05 -s $PATH_OF_SECRETFILE -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL
validatortool transferto 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35 -k "$HOME/docker-stack/chain-data/keys/$CHAINNAME/UTC--*" 0.05 -s $HOME/docker-stack/.secret -r https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
validatortool transferto 0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35 -k "UTC-keyfile" 0.05 -s Secretfile -r https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
b. payout check
validatortool payout check $OLD_VALIDATOR_NODE -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL
validatortool payout check 0x5125254Ec2E024D8226cf4c389512c43802a76A1 -r https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
c. payout changeto
validatortool payout changeto $NEW_ADDRESS -r $HTTPS_RPC_URL
validatortool payout changeto $0x4933915c40477Db3a9AccA3Fa12DaA8ba5D4fD35 -r https://volta-rpc.energyweb.org
You should get similar output if you run the validator-tool using docker. To get a glimpse of output, please check the above section.
(you may run this command in docker-stack
-> NETHERMIND_KEY_FILE="$(ls -1 ./keystore/|grep UTC|tail -n1)"
The key that was created first is a node address
generated by Nethermind. This is not your mining key, do not copy it!
If you have trouble connecting to peers you should first check if the local time on your device is exact. Go to and ensure it says: “Your time is exact”. If your time is not exact, go to System Preferences and make sure it is synchronized.
To make sure that your clock is always synchronized you can also use the ntp-pool-project, a big virtual cluster of timeservers providing reliable easy to use NTP service for millions of clients:
Basic instructions on how to set up ntp-pool can be found here:
First download this file that contains the enodes of our new bootnodes here: . Afterwards you can start the client with the reserved-peers flag like this:
Download the file in the node instance and save it in $(pwd)/docker-stack/config/
To manually add a peer open your terminal and use the parity_addReservedPeer function. This adds the peer to the list of peers your node is trying to connect to (more info ):
To get information about your peers you can use the parity_netPeers function (more info ):
The output will not be very easily readable, use this website to format it into something you can read:
Of course there is always the possibility that there is a problem with your version of the client. Make sure that you are using the newest version. If the problem persists, open an issue in the parity github and report the problem, as there is probably something wrong with the client:
Github Repo of
NPM Package
URL_Token_out => [Address of Old Validator Node]
URL Token_In => [Address of wallet]
and LTS (recommended)
Install NPM Package on machine
parity --chain CHAIN_NAME --reserved-peers PATH/TO/bootnodes.txt 1. parity --chain volta --reserved-peers PATH/TO/bootnodes.txt 2. parity --chain energywebchain --reserved-peers PATH/TO/bootnodes.txt
--jsonrpc-apis parity,parity_set
curl --data '{"method":"parity_addReservedPeer","params":["COPY PEER ID HERE"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X POST localhost:8545
curl --data '{"method":"parity_netPeers","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X POST localhost:8545