Note: As of October 27, 2021, all EWC nodes should run a London-compatible client: OpenEthereum (v3.3.0-rc.11 or later) or Nethermind (v1.11.3 or later)
Documentation to update Validator Node client in preparation for London Upgrade:
OpenEthereum and Nethermind clients compatible with AuRa are released in a regular rhythm. The process for implementing regular updates is described below. Emergency updates (i.e. in the event of a known security vulnerability with a specific client version) will be accelerated.
All EWC client updates are tested by the Energy Web Chain Technical Committee to ensure compatibility with the EW Chain AuRa consensus mechanism. The Technical Committee strongly recommends validators and other node (e.g. RPC) operators refrain from updating their clients until compatibility with the current version is confirmed on this page. Once an update is tested, the Technical Committee will communicate to validators and the broader community via Slack and Telegram that it is safe to install the new version; this page will also be updated regularly. For security/stability reasons, we recommend rolling out the update in waves, first on Volta and then the production EW Chain.
Good to know! Client updates don’t change any of the following:
Node Address
Node key
Private key
Before applying the upgrade, ensure the validator node instance has the following requirements:
Network Capacity(GiB)
Storage(GB) and Type
4 (Minimum)
8 (Recommended)
8 (Minimum)
16 (Recommended)
Up to 5 (Minimum)
Up to 10 (Recommended)
Minimum 300, SSD
As the upgrade to OpenEthereum v3.3.0-rc.11 does not involve any config changes or require db resync, it should be relatively simple.
Download the node software (Openethereum v3.3.0-rc.11 or later)
docker pull openethereum/openethereum:v3.3.0-rc.11
Verify the downloaded software to make sure no one has changed something during data transfer
docker image inspect openethereum/openethereum:v3.3.0-rc.11 | jq -r '.[0].Id'
The result should be:
If that's the case, proceed to the next step. If not, repeat the process above to download and verify the new image.
Stop the containers:
Make a backup of docker-compose.yml:
cp $HOME/docker-stack/docker-compose.yml $HOME/docker-stack/docker-compose.yml_backup
Make a backup of .env file:
cp $HOME/docker-stack/.env $HOME/docker-stack/.env_backup
Make a backup of DB [Optional]:
change the text $CHAIN_NAME toVolta
or EnergyWebChain
cp -r chain-data/chains/$CHAIN_NAME/ ./$CHAIN_NAME_backup
Modify and save .env file (lines 3 & 9):
DO NOT override other existing variables!
vim $HOME/docker-stack/.env
new .env
Modify and save docker-compose.yml file (line no.4):
vi $HOME/docker-stack/docker-compose.yml
For nodes running OpenEthereum client(v3.2.5) or earlier, the update is to OpenEthereum () or later version
For nodes running Nethermind client (v1.10.72) or earlier, the update is to Nethermind ()