The following Linux-based Operating Systems are supported for running a validator node:
Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS or later
Debian 9.8 or later
CentOS 7 or later
RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.4 or later
Validators can elect other operating systems at their discretion, but may need to customize the installation scripts. Contact for questions and support.
The following section provide a comprehensive guide for installation of one the supported operating systems. All further deployment procedures are based on the installation results.
Procedure based on version 18.04.2.
Download the ISO from
Boot the ISO
Select English as language
Choose a convenient keyboard layout
Choose Install Ubuntu
Let the network auto-configure -or- configure manually if needed. The system needs an internet connection.
Select no proxy and keep the mirror address.
Select Use an entire disk and confirm
Choose user name and host name in next screen. Choose a strong password.
Select Install OpenSSH Server but don’t import keys
Don’t select any snaps and continue
Finish installation and let it boot to the prompt
Login as the created user and run a full system update using sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
Amazon AWS
Ubuntu AMI's are listed at Search for "ebs 18.04 amd64" to get the right version.
Microsoft Azure
The URN for the image is Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latest
Download the NetInst ISO from
Boot the ISO
Select Install from the boot screen
Select English as language
Select Location based on actual location of the host
Chose a convenient keyboard layout
Let the network auto-configure -or- configure manually if needed. The system needs an internet connection.
Name your host. Change it from debian to something else
Choose a strong root password
Create the user account and choose a strong password
Select the proper timezone
For the partitions use Guided - use entire disk
Select All files in one partition
Finish partitioning and write changes to disk
Select No when ask to scan more disks
Choose a mirror close to the host
Opt-out of the package survey
on the Software Selection select only SSH Server and standard system utilities
Install the grub bootloader to MBR and use the primary disk for that
Finish installation and let it boot to the prompt
Login as root and run a full system update using 'apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y'
Amazon AWS
The AMI Id's can be found at
Microsoft Azure
The URN for the image is credativ:Debian:9:latest
Download the minimal ISO from
Boot the ISO
Confirm the automatic boot option Test this media & install CentOS 7
Choose English as language
On the installation summary choose Installation destination and confirm automatic partinioning
Back on the installation summary screen click on Network & Hostname
Change the hostname
Enable the network interface and make sure it is configured properly
Click Done to get back to the summary and click Begin Installation
During installation set a root password
Finish installation and let it boot to the prompt
Login as root and run a system update with 'yum update'
Amazon AWS
The AMI Id's can be found at
Microsoft Azure
The URN for the image is OpenLogic:CentOS:7.5:latest